Karachi High School is a private co-educational institution and was founded in 1985. Since then KHS has grown substantially. There are around 650 students in the school. Pupils travel to the school from all over the city and come from diverse backgrounds. We deliver a balanced and holistic program of study that is sequential and structured right from the Foundation Stage to IGCSE O Levels and Matriculation.
Over the years KHS is proud to continue to realize its vision and serve our students to better their educational skill set and stand tall amongst the best in their future careers and professions.
Karachi High School is a non-profit organization, providing the children of our society with comprehensive educational opportunities through internationally recognised and standardised programs that move beyond mere textbook learning and allow children direct hands on experiences. KHS is one of the few institutions offering the Cambridge International Primary Program (CIPP) and Cambridge Lower Secondary Program (CLSP).
The School system consists of 5 Stages from Foundation Stage to Matric and IGCSE. Foundation Stage:(Foundation and Reception), Key Stage 1:(Year 1 and Year 2), Key Stage 2:(Year 3 to Year6), Key Stage 3:(Year 7 to Year 9) and Key Stage 4:(Year 10 and Year 11). The academic year is divided into 3 terms of 13 weeks each namely, Autumn, Winter and Summer term.
Additionally, the students are sorted into 4 different school houses, each representative of a famous Pakistani writer, poet or thinker.
For further information enjoy browsing through the rest of our web site www.khs.edu.pk and learn more about the school. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss your childs aspirations and abilities.